P & F Second Hand Uniform Shops
SMS Shop is trading as usual with the sale of uniform for the ELC, Junior School (girls and boys) and SMS Senior School. The shop is open during Term time only, each Tuesday from 1.45pm to 2.45pm and Thursday from 2.45pm to 4.00pm. Clothing for consideration to sell, will only be accepted at the Uniform shop.
BGS Shop – we are excited to inform the School Community that there is a new SHUS location for the sale of BGS uniform will be opening shortly. It is not open for trading yet, as we require Volunteers for this service. Training is available and Volunteers choose the day and time that suits them.
We also wish to advise that there has been a delay in the processing of payments to parents for sale of items within the SHUS. The P and F apologise for this delay and any inconvenience this may cause. The processing will occur as soon as possible.
To provide the SHUS service at both Campuses, the P and F require:
Volunteers to assist with Administration, and the sorting and selling of clothing. These are supported roles, where you volunteer in your own time. If you may be interested, please contact the P and F Email: pandf@stmargarets.vic.edu.au