St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar is a child safe environment. The school actively promotes the safety and wellbeing of all students.
All staff are committed to protecting students from abuse or harm in the school environment. All staff and volunteers of St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar make every attempt to create a supportive and cooperative environment conducive to learning and quality teaching. They are also required to observe child safe principles and expectations for appropriate behaviour towards and in the company of children.
Anti-bullying, Harassment and Violence Policy (PDF)
Child Protection Mandatory Reporting and Reportable Conduct Policy
Child Safety Policy (PDF)
Child Safety Code of Conduct (PDF)
Educational Philosophy Policy (PDF)
Enrolment Policy (PDF)
Privacy Policy (PDF)
Raising Concerns and Complaints Policy (PDF)
Responsible Behaviour Policy (PDF)
Uniform Policy (PDF)
Whistleblower Policy (PDF)
Welfare and Accommodation Policy and Procedures International Students (PDF)