Outdoor environmental learning is critical part of each child's learning experience.
Through outdoor education, children develop a real sense of self, learn how to be resilient and self-reliant, while also learning how to live with others. Through spending time in nature, children have the chance to strive, relax, learn and grow, all in a less formal setting than a classroom. The camping program runs for students from Years 3-6 in a variety of settings such as inland and coastal. The program features opportunities to enhance social skills, physical fitness as well as educational components.

Through outdoor education children explore new environments, strengthen relationships and develop a real sense of self.

These experiences are invaluable for every individual in the development of out core school values of Character, Courage, Curiosity and Respect.
Whilst we want our students to enjoy their time away in new and varied environments, a valuable experience often takes time and reflection to unpack. In this increasingly changing world, resilience is the greatest tool we can give to our young people. A positive narrative at home and school helps to support the development of resilience through planned, challenging and scaffolded experiences.
“Protecting them from failure and never allowing them to ‘miss out’ means we remove the capacity for them to develop resilience by overcoming adversity. The result will be a generation of young people incapable of assuming adult responsibility.” Dr Michael Carr-Gregg, renowned psychologist and internationally acclaimed child and adolescent behavioural expert.

Year 3/4 - Independence
A multi-day activity program designed to provide the perfect opportunity for each member of the group to have the Courage and Resilience to be open to new and foreign experiences pushing beyond known boundaries as a risk-taker. To Respectfully work together, taking Responsibility for the effects of their actions on themselves, others and the environment Developing the independence they need to look after oneself and their possessions.

Year 5 – Wisdom of the Unicorn (Eye on the Future)
A multi-day activity program that builds on the Year 4’s experiences by building confidence to try new challenges through a future facing lens and working collaboratively as a team.

Year 5 – Wisdom of the Unicorn (Eye on the Past)
Sovereign Hill, helping students build an understanding of the present through the past with continued opportunities to work collaboratively and grow in their independence through Curiosity.

Year 6 – Core Values
Students continuing their journey through Outdoor Education through a multi-day activity program that further builds their camp craft to prepare them for Year 7 camp in the Senior Schools.

Year 6 – Canberra
Students work with the school’s core values to understand their place in our society. To gain perspective students look outward from themselves to their local communities and beyond. Their growing understanding of democracy is explored further by a tour of the national capital Canberra, that includes both Old and New Parliament Houses, the War Memorial, Questacon, various galleries and other attractions.