VCE General Mathematics

General Mathematics Units 1–4provide for the study of non-calculus and discrete mathematics topics. They are designed to be widely accessible and provide preparation for general employment, business or further study, in particular where data analysis, recursion and financial modelling, networks and matrices are important. 

General Mathematics Units 1 and 2 cater for a range of student interests, provide preparation for the study of VCE General Mathematics at the Units 3 and 4 level and contain assumed knowledge and skills for these units.  

The areas of study for Unit 1 of General Mathematics are Data analysis, probability and statistics, Algebra, number and structure, Functions, relations and graphs and Discrete mathematics. 

Mathematical skills and understanding, graphing calculator technology, application of mathematical skills and knowledge.

Topic tests, online activities, an application task and an end of semester written examination.

The areas of study for Unit 2 of General Mathematics are Data analysis, probability and statistics, Discrete mathematics, Functions, relations and graphs and Space and measurement. 

This is a prescribed course based on the VCAA study design 2023-2027 


For each Unit there will be a Mathematical Investigation.  

Other formal assessments will take the form of Topic Tests, Problem Solving or Modelling Tasks and Unit Examinations.  

Informal assessments will take the form of set skills questions, completion of a Summary book (bound reference) and/ or Assignments. 

In this unit students will study Data Analysis including describing and summarising data, investigate associations between variable, data transformations and modelling time series. Students will also study Recursion and Financial Modelling including modelling growth and decay using recursion and modelling and analysing reducing balance loans and annuities. Students use CAS calculators to explore skills and concepts.

Mathematical skills and understanding, graphing calculator technology, application of mathematical skills and knowledge.

Topic tests, analysis task, application task.


In this unit students will study a module on Networks and Decision Mathematics including the use of networks to model and solve problems involving connection, flow, allocation and scheduling and a module on Matrices. Students use CAS calculators to explore skills and concepts.

Mathematical skills and understanding, CAS technology, application of mathematical skills and knowledge.

Topic tests, analysis task, application task. Students will also complete two end of year examinations.

VCAA ASSESSMENT – The overall Study Score will consist of:
School Assessed Coursework (40%), 1 ½ hour written Examination 1 in November (30%), 1 ½ hour written Examination 2 in November (30%).


Selection advice

What kind of learner is best suited to study this subject? 

Students need to be able to problem solve, apply mathematical skill and knowledge to scenario-based word style questions. 

What key skills are required for success? 

 organisation, analysis, reading/literacy, and comprehension. 

What are three most engaging topics studied? 


Data and Analysis 

Recursion and Financial Mathematics 

What are the learning activities in this subject like? 

Students will be completing exercise questions from the textbook and past exam style questions. Building their own book of summary notes. 

What advice would you give to a student about to embark on this subject? 

You will need to be able to apply mathematical thinking to solve real life problems. Make sure you are proactive in your learning, seek help if you are unsure what to do or how to do a problem.