Theatre as a form of cultural expression that is ever evolving and exists as entertainment, education, an agent for change, a representation of values and a window on society. Through the study of VCE Theatre Studies students develop, refine and enhance their analytical, evaluative and critical thinking skills as well as their expression, problem-solving, collaborative and communication skills.
Pre-modern theatre styles and conventions
This unit focuses on the application of acting, direction and design in relation to theatre styles from the pre-modern era, that is, works prior to the 1920s. Students creatively and imaginatively work in production roles with scripts from the pre-modern era of theatre. Students develop knowledge and skills about theatre production processes.
Areas of Study:
- Exploring pre-modern theatre styles and conventions
- Interpreting scripts
- Analysing a play in performance
Modern theatre styles and conventions
In this Unit, students creatively and imaginatively work in production roles with scripts from the modern era of theatre, that is, the 1920s to the present. Students develop knowledge and skills about theatre production processes including dramaturgy, planning, development and performance to an audience and apply this to their work. They study safe and ethical working practices in theatre production and develop skills of performance analysis, which they apply to the analysis of a play in performance.
Areas of Study:
- Exploring modern theatre styles and conventions
- Interpreting scripts
- Analysing and evaluating a play in production
Producing Theatre
In this unit students develop an interpretation of a script through the three stages of the theatre production process: planning, development and presentation. Students specialise in two production roles, working collaboratively, creatively and imaginatively to realise the production of a script.
They also analyse and evaluate the ways to interpret script excerpts previously unstudied.
Areas of study:
- Staging Theatre
- Interpreting a script
- Analysing and evaluating theatre
Presenting an interpretation
In this unit students study a scene and an associated monologue. They initially develop an interpretation of the prescribed scene either as actor and director, or as a designer. This work includes exploring theatrical possibilities and using dramaturgy across the three stages of the production process. Students then develop a creative and imaginative interpretation of the monologue that is embedded in the specified scene.
Areas of Study:
- Researching and presenting theatrical possibilities
- Interpreting a monologue
- Analysing and evaluating a performance

Vocational Pathways
The study of theatre, in all its various forms, prepares students for further study in theatre production, theatre history, communication, writing, acting, direction and design at tertiary level. VCE Theatre Studies also prepares students for further learning in a range of industries that require communication, collaborative approaches, critical and creative thinking, digital technology skills and problem solving.