About this Course
When choosing your Year 10 Mathematics subjects it is it is important to keep your proposed Year 11 & 12 course and future tertiary course in mind. The table below explains how the Year 10 classes link to VCE mathematics.
Year 10S General
Students will be recommended to this course based on results from Year 9. It will lead to Unit 1-4 General Mathematics. A more non-algebraic content-based course.
Year 10 Mainstream
Most students will be recommended to this course based on results from Year 9. It provides the most options for year 11. Includes algebraic course content. Can lead to either Methods or General in year 11.
Year 10A Advanced
Students will be recommended to this course based on results and work ethic in year 9. The course has an advanced algebraic focus and will best prepare students for Methods or Specialist Mathematics in year 11.
(Students in this course can choose General).
Unit 1&2 General Mathematics
Suitable for students who have done Year 10S or Year 10 Maths. Students may have found year 10 maths challenging but wish to have a mathematics subject for future studies are recommended this pathway.
Unit 1&2 Mathematical Methods
Suitable for students who have done Year 10 or Year 10A Advanced Maths. Can be studied alone or in combination with Specialist or General Mathematics.
Unit 1&2 Specialist Mathematics
Suitable for students who have done Year 10A Advanced Maths.
Can only be studied with Mathematical Methods Units 1&2.
Unit 3&4 General Mathematics
Can be studied by any student who has done any Mathematics subject option in Year 11.
Unit 3&4 Mathematical Methods
Can only be studied if Units 1&2 Mathematical Methods have been completed satisfactorily.
Unit 3&4 Specialist Mathematics
Can only be studied with Mathematical Methods Units 3&4. Units 1&2 Specialist Mathematics must have also been completed satisfactorily.