Year 10 Philosophy

About this Course


Year 10 Philosophy Elective – What impact is technology having on our lives?

This year 10 elective is designed for students who are interested in investigating the impact that technology is having on our lives. Potential topics will include:

  • How is virtual reality changing our perception of reality?
  • What role, or threat, does Artificial Intelligence pose in the future?
  • How does the use of online avatars impact our sense of self?
  • What impact could biotech have on humanity and what it means to be human?
  • Is technology helping humans to live a better life?

The course will be discussion based and challenge students to think critically about the role technology is playing, or will potentially play, in human lives. It will cover different aspects of philosophy including ethics, metaphysics, and existentialism. And will help to prepare students for VCE Philosophy, should they wish to pursue it as a pathway.