In year 10 Science students extend upon their understanding of space and gravity from year 7 by examining the characteristics of stars and galaxies, calculate distances using stellar parallax, distinguish between redshift and blueshift, and discover some of the key theories explaining the creation of the universe. This topic then leads into physics, with students exploring motion and speed, Newton’s Laws of Motion, and investigations relating to energy transfer, efficiency and transformations. Term 2 is largely centred around chemistry, with students building on their year 9 chemistry knowledge through analysing and writing chemical equations, and analysing the levels of energy required/produced in chemical reactions.
Chemistry continues into Semester 2, with students learning about rates and classification of various chemical reactions. This is followed by a significant focus on biology in Semester 2, starting with a genetics unit examining the structure and function of DNA, cell division, characteristics/inheritance of traits and gene technology. Tying into this is a unit on natural selection and evolution, with students exploring the core elements of Darwin’s research and assessing the various sources of evidence that support evolution as well as tracing the ancestral lineage of the human species.

Each semester, students in year 10 science complete at least one summative assessment task for each of the following capabilities:
- Science as a Human Endeavour (SCHE) – typically a research-based assignment
- Knowledge and Understanding (KNUD)
- Carrying out a Practical Investigation (CAPI)
- Designing a Fair Test (DEFT)
Future Pathways
Year 10 science – and the years leading up to it – are designed to provide students with a foundation knowledge of a range of different branches of science. The knowledge and scientific skills acquired through these years equip students for entry into any of the four VCE sciences on offer; chemistry, physics, biology and psychology.