Senior Girls Exchange Programs

We provide students with the opportunity to participate in international student exchanges.

This is a consequence of our commitment to the Queen Margaret of Scotland Girls’ Schools Association. Past students have had the fortune to explore renowned locations such as York (England), Aberdeen (Scotland), Wellington and Christchurch (New Zealand) as part of the exchange program.

Expanding Opportunities

The program is a prominent component of international engagement and is designed to enhance the personal and educational journey of St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar students. The resoundingly positive response from past participants in the exchange program is a testament to its popularity and success. As a consequence of the school community’s enthusiastic reception to the international exchange program, opportunities for students will undoubtedly continue to expand, with a wider assortment of exchange locations to be offered in the future for our senior girls and boys.

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York, England

“Reflecting back on what was the most amazing seven weeks brings back so many incredible memories, impossible to express in words.” – Christine Meyer

Aberdeen, Scotland

“We have become more independent, learned to adapt to new situations, made new friends and had many unforgettable experiences.” – Erica Rankin and Lydia Binder

Aberdeen, Scotland

“I’ve been lucky enough to explore different parts of the country, meet lots of great people and experience what life is like for a student at St Margaret’s School for Girls.” – Amy Fankhauser

Wellington, New Zealand

“Hearing all the amazing experiences from previous years, I knew this was something I really wanted to do.” – Hannah Quinn

Christchurch, New Zealand

“Being lucky enough to participate in the Student Exchange program has allowed us to experience the world in a different light.” – Georgia Coward-Smith and Zoe Freihofer

Shanghai, China

“Being lucky enough to participate in the Student Exchange program has allowed us to experience the world in a different light.”  

A rigorous unique course designed to foster an international mindset in a highly connected and complex world.

Certificate in Global Responsibility

A rigorous unique course designed to foster an international mindset in a highly connected and complex world.

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We provide students with the opportunity to participate in international student exchanges.


We provide students with the opportunity to participate in international student exchanges.

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Tours are designed as a tool for cultural and educational enrichment.

Study Tours

Tours are designed as a tool for cultural and educational enrichment.

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Designed to foster a global leader perspective through community service.

Thai Service Experience

Designed to foster a global leader perspective through community service.

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