Our Thai Service Experience is a practical way to experience global citizenship, enhance student leadershipv capacity and character, whilst emphasising the value of service to others.
This optional experience for seconadary students strives to expose our young people to real life opportunities which challenge, extend and provoke their curiosity. An immersive international experience seels to breaks down the ethnocentricity that students may feel about their culture and country. Living and working in a local village on a specific project provides opportunity for students to grow in many ways in a rich and vibrant exepriential setting. Senior students are encouraged to participate in the Thai Service Project as part of their Certificate of Global Citizenship as an excellent way to enhance their leadership practice and to develop greater contexts and understanding. Students reflections in the video below, highlight the growth achieved in these projects.

Certificate in Global Responsibility
A rigorous unique course designed to foster an international mindset in a highly connected and complex world.
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We provide students with the opportunity to participate in international student exchanges.
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Thai Service Experience
Designed to foster a global leader perspective through community service.
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