21C Solving the Problem of Plastic in the Ocean
Teenagers learn better when they have ownership of their learning and when they see that they personally can make a difference. When Edustem approached Berwick Grammar School to pilot one of their new STEM programs we saw an opportunity.
Embracing this partnership we embarked on a divergent learning pathway.
Later in June the boys in Year 7 and 8 will be creating solutions to our problem of plastic in the ocean. They will build on the skills that they developed through the PYP and during Project 21C in 2017. They will hone their skills of critical and creative thinking, problem solving and team work as they work in multi aged groups as global citizens to develop proposals for solutions to this global problem.
We believe that these skills are essential for growing good men that can thrive in our ever changing world. We believe that the young minds in our care, given the opportunity and scaffolding, are capable of things that we can’t imagine.
Watch this space!
Mrs Helen McDonald
Deputy Head of Berwick Grammar School (Teaching and Learning)