A new year at BGS
The new school year opened at Berwick Grammar with a keen sense of anticipation. We welcomed our new Principal, Ms Annette Rome, at our first assembly with a presentation from our 2017 School Captains, Sean Dack and Noah Kent. Reflecting on the opportunities each new year brings, we also acknowledged Mr Charles Swanepoel’s wonderful contribution as Head of Berwick Grammar, as he takes up broader responsibilities at the St Margaret’s campus.
As the Interim Head of Berwick Grammar School, I have been struck immediately by the warmth and friendliness of the boys with each other, their sense of connection with the staff, and the purposeful energy and enthusiasm for what 2017 will bring. They are clearly supported by highly professional and passionate teachers and other staff.
Our new oval is taking shape, boys are already heading off to camps at Waratah Bay, to Canberra, to Endeavour programs based in the city, to leadership learning also in the city, and arriving at the Officer campus to take charge of their classroom learning in our beautiful bush setting with its clean air and fragrant Australian planting. We congratulate our 2016 VCE students on their 100% success rate, their tertiary destinations, and, of course, our high achievers on their splendid results.
It is a great privilege to share in the life of this community of learners at Berwick Grammar School, where people earn their best selves through effort, supporting one another and working to realise goals and aspirations. Virtute et Labore.
Dr Deane Blackler
Interim Head of Berwick Grammar School