BGS 2020 House Captains and Year 12 Captain Selected!

Our Leadership Selection Process for 2020 continues and in our last edition we announced our 2020 School Captains, Navaal Saeed and Oliver Ward.

In this edition I am able to confirm some other senior captaincies.

With our new wellbeing structure that is focused on Houses rather than Year Levels, the position of House Captain has never been more crucial.  House Captains play a significant role in the lives of all boys in their House, providing guidance, motivation and helping to create a positive ethos.

For Battye House, the 2020 Captain is Brayden Cairns. Brayden is well-respected by his peers and has an excellent academic record.

In Forsyth, we appointed two captains (pictured) as they both had such support from the boys in their House.  Trent Mitchell was Vice Captain this year, and as member of the SRC as well as this role, is considered a voice to be trusted in the school.  He is also very engaged in our Enrichment Program. Dylan Hor has complimentary interests to Trent, and enjoys sports as well as our musical program.

The Captain for Our current House champions Richards is River Dixon.  River excels in both our Art and Design programs, which he able led in 2019 and also in HPV.

Finally, Vincent Zappia was chosen by his peers to represent them as Year 12 Captain in 2020.  Vincent works well with others and has been an excellent mentor to younger boys.

There are still a handful of crucial positions left to fill, but the student leadership team is looking very healthy so far!

Ms Lauren Cook
Head of Senior Boys, Wellbeing