BGS Curriculum update

I am excited to be a part of Berwick Grammar School this year in my privileged role in the teaching and learning of the boys. I have always been very interested in curriculum and look forward to leading the BGS team of teachers in the education of your sons. The Heads of Department have been working hard with their respective teams to provide an engaging and challenging program for all boys.

The structure of student support has changed this year with the introduction of the Enhancement Program which assists both the boys who require Learning Support as well as those requiring Learning Enrichment. The Enhancement Team of teachers is extensive and are led by Glenda Tyler and myself. We are currently collating information about the boys and developing Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and Goal and Action Plans for the boys requiring differentiation beyond that provided in the regular learning program.

The boys have commenced the academic year full of energy and enthusiasm. Classes and programs have gained momentum from the successful YearStart at the end of 2015. Year 12 coursework is well underway with some SACs already completed. Positive encouragement from home will help to maintain this engagement with work well into the year. I have included a link to an article How Parents Can Help Students in the Senior Years of School by Andrew Fuller. This article summarises some strategies that may be useful to assist the senior boys with both planning and organisation, but also with emotional support.

Please be aware that the final date for VCE subject changes is Friday 12 February so any VCE boy thinking of changing subjects must obtain a form from me as soon as possible.

I look forward to a vibrant and productive year of teaching and learning at BGS.

Mrs Helen McDonald, Deputy Head of School (Teaching and Learning)