BGS Report – Unicorn Series on Growing Good Men
We make no secret of the fact that we are about Growing Good Men here at Berwick Grammar School – men who are academics, adventurers, artists and athletes. We want boys to develop themselves in every possible way, including emotionally.
The last Unicorn Series panel discussion was a wonderful opportunity to talk to our community about this issue and the challenges facing young men today.
Chaired by Ms Annette Rome, Dr Middleton and myself were on the panel, with two of our 2020 School captains discussing issues from their perspectives as well.
The conversations were wide ranging – but the message was clear: we feel hopeful about the future of our young men with programs such as this in place.
We discussed the role of parents and the school in establishing and challenging modes of behavior for young men, the role of the media in perpetuating damaging stereotypes and changing the types of conversations we have with our sons and students. In the words of Ghandi, we must “be the change we want to see in the world”.
Ms Lauren Cook
Head of Senior Boys, Wellbeing