Casey Tech Practical Science
Every senior Science course has a major practical component. This year the boys opted for the high-tech approach, completing their practical at Casey Tech School. With the guidance of Helen Sylvester (director of programs at Casey Tech), the boys investigated the effectiveness of a variety of substances on the growth of the bacteria, Escherichia coli (E. coli). To do this the boys had to learn how to use micropipettes, dilute solutions and use Petri film to measure the growth of bacteria colonies. After a series of introductory practical experiences, the boys planned and conducted their own experiments. Time flew by and the boys did not want to leave as they were working so hard on their reports. Working in a laboratory like that at Casey Tech, gave the boys the experience of what a professional science laboratory would be like. Further, this opportunity enabled the boys to have an uninterrupted experience in their completion of this important SAC. The experience was enjoyed by all, the quote of the day being Nahum saying that ‘This is the most complicated experiment I have ever done!’
Casey Tech School is in its first full year of operation. They have a variety of programs available for students at all secondary year levels, they also have after school and holiday experiences.
Ms Delanie Lewis
Head of Forsyth House