Casey Tech School Visit

With the opening of the new Casey Tech School just minutes’ walk from our St Margaret’s campus, the Berwick Grammar School staff and students were eager to get an early opportunity for engagement in this facility. The Year 7 and 8 boys participated in the 7 and 8 Discovery Program.

The boys were presented with three real world problems to solve:
• How can Casey Council encourage and support local residents to use sustainable materials and practices to build and maintain energy efficient housing, so that the council can work towards a sustainable environment in the future?
• How can mechanical, social or telepresence robotics be used by healthcare professionals at the St John of God Hospital, so that they can improve a patients’ care and wellbeing?
• How can you create a virtual artwork, so that it can be viewed and interacted with using VR equipment?

Each student selected their own area of interest to pursue and worked in a small team with the support of the skilled Casey Tech School staff to engage with and formulate a solution to their chosen problem.

The boys represented Berwick Grammar School exceptionally well. They were very disappointed to find that they had to have a lunch break and could not continue to work on their problems. They concluded their projects at 2.00 pm and then presented their solutions. Every boy engaged with the program in a positive manner. They were recognised by the staff for their diligence, persistence and creativity. The boys thoroughly enjoyed the experience and look forward to attending more programs at Casey Tech School.