Casey Technical School
Teachers from St Margaret’s and Berwick Grammar School have been closely involved with the development of Casey Technical School (CTS) to be opened at Berwick Chisholm in August of this year.
The programs at CTS will allow Year 9 and 10 students to work collaboratively with students from other schools in the Casey Region on real-world problems generated by industry experts. Six students from St Margaret’s and Berwick Grammar, took part in a two-day intensive workshop run by CTS in order to trial the effectiveness of the curriculum.
Students worked together with students from three other schools in the region and used STEAM and Enterprise skills to investigate and solve two industry problems:
How can Casey become a more sustainable city; and
Ways to use Virtual Reality technology to help young Australians better manage their health and wellbeing.
Our students thrived on the opportunity to work collaboratively and to use their knowledge from a wide variety of subject areas in a functional setting. They developed impressive and creative solutions and presented their ideas professionally using skills in public speaking, 3D modelling, graphic design, engineering, coding and other digital technologies.
Mr Damien Bell