City Cite 2019
The City Cite journey has provided all Year 9 students from St Margaret’s and Berwick Grammar School a unique opportunity to spend two weeks working together in the city on collaborative projects, investigating issues relevant to today’s society and experiencing all that Melbourne has to offer.
Each day, 85 students travelled in to and around the city on public transport gaining confidence as independent travelers as well as an insight into the daily lives of those who work in the CBD. Small groups developed research based responses to issues such as transport, homelessness, street art and whether Melbourne is a judgmental society.
Days were filled with activities such as visiting Eureka Tower, Parliament, the Shrine of Remembrance and the Magistrate’s Court, as well as volunteering at the Fare Share kitchen, undertaking an Empathy Workshop and visiting the Big Issue. The groups undertook a laneway tour of Melbourne’s iconic street art, had an audience with the Lord Mayor Sally Capp in the council chambers and heard the personal tale of a reformed gambler. With such a busy schedule, good planning was required in order to be able to meet deadlines as well as fit in a delicious lunch from a city café.
On the final evening, parents and families were invited to attend the City Cite building to see the space that Year 9’s had called home for the past two weeks. The groups all delivered their project presentations and it was a fitting celebration of a two week experience that will not be forgotten.
Mr David Bennett and Mr Andrew Lardner
Head of House