City of Casey Citzenship Ceremony
Our Intermediate Enrichment Captain, Year 10 student Oliver Ward, recently spoke as a youth messenger at Bunjil Place for the City of Casey’s Citizenship Ceremony. He performed this significant honour in front of 500 people.
As well as speaking, Oliver handed out native plants and citizenship certificates to our newest group of Australians.
This was a very humbling experience for Oliver, who had himself been a migrant participant on the other side of the ceremony when he was younger.
He was able to meet some important political figures, and received the opportunity to have his voice heard regarding many important issues affecting youth in our community.
We are very proud that one of our students has engaged so meaningfully with the community beyond his classroom and is epitomising the school’s program of Growing Good Men. Seeing young people so actively engaged with the world around them provides a lot of hope for the future.
Mr Sean Pieper
My Summit Co-Cultural Coordinator