Community-Minded Young Women
Year 12 student, Senara Hettige has participated in a Go-Fund-Me Campaign to raise money for cancer research and awareness in memory of her Aunty Wijaylie. To date, she has raised $3,876, well exceeding her goal. Senara will donate the funds raised to the Peter MacCallum Cancer Foundation, which provided significant support to her aunt. In a recent senior assembly, her largest fundraisers cut off plaits of Senara’s hair for donation before the remaining hair was shaved. She extends her gratitude to her friends, family and teachers for their help throughout her campaign.
Kira Neil (class of 2014) has also participated in Shave for a Cure, donating all her locks to the alopecia foundation and raising $2,600. Her shave was the finale of Staticfest, a gig she organised with her band FUTURE STATIC, also featuring alumnae Brianna Marsh on vocals and Shay Mannays on drums. The busy band is celebrating the recent launch of their EP, ‘Want’.
St Margaret’s is extremely proud of these courageous, community-minded young women.