Early Learning

How fast the year has flown, and now we find ourselves almost at the end. We have had a wonderful year in the Early Learning Centre, watching each of the children develop their own unique personality and identity.

The Early Years Framework title, Belonging, Being, Becoming has definitely been reflected in our classrooms this year. Each child, and indeed family, has become connected to the school community supporting a sense of belonging. Positive relationships have been fostered between school and home, ensuring the wellbeing of each of the children. Early childhood is a very special time for ‘being’, a time when children can enjoy and appreciate the opportunity to play and experience the world in their own time. How much happier and healthier do we all feel when we have time to pursue our interests and engage in purposeful play? The children in the Early Learning Centre certainly valued their time to explore and engage with the ELC environment. ‘Becoming’ is evident in the development of the independent, curious and confident children, we now see before us- the children who are now ready to make successful transitions to their new classes and teachers for 2020.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the families for their support, involvement and friendship over the year. We really appreciate you having shared your child’s journey with us. We wish each child the brightest and happiest of futures and we look forward to watching you continue to shine in your own special way. Thank you to each member of our special ELC teaching team. Our ELC world is a very busy, yet vibrant place, and it is through the dedication, commitment, hard work, and enthusiasm of our staff, that we can provide a rich and ever-changing learning environment for the children.

Have a wonderful Christmas and a 2020 full of peace, good health and hopefully time to play! After all, “Play keeps us vital and alive. It gives us an enthusiasm for life that is irreplaceable. Without it, life just doesn’t taste good” -Lucia Capocchione

Mrs Sue Eden
Director ELC