Empowering Young Women Forum
‘If you believe domestic violence is a big issue, stop it when it’s a small one’.
On Wednesday 15 June, Year 7 and 12 students participated in an ‘Empowering Young Women’ forum, led by Katrina Herbert from Windermere. Windermere is a local organisation dedicated to improving the wellbeing in children, families and communities by helping them realise their potential, building resilience and connecting people. The night was a huge success, with Year 12 and their Year 7 sisters bonding and unifying together to discuss respectful relationships.
This forum was inspired by a visit earlier this year by Mr Brian Paynter, a White Ribbon Ambassador, who spoke at our school assembly about family violence and the rights of women to live in safety and without fear. The students in the school’s Social Service Committee decided to extend the ideas expressed by Mr Paynter into a student forum. The intention for the forum was twofold – for our female students to learn more about how to be in relationships which are respectful and healthy, and for the students to raise funds to support the work of Windermere.
Rachel Curtis
Year 12 Social Service Committee Member