Endings and Beginnings

Our Senior Students have been experiencing the firsts of the lasts over the past weeks with the season of celebrations and farewells beginning. No doubt our young people in Year 12 have had a range of mixed emotions as they reflect on the “last time” I will do this a secondary student. Whilst these moments often come with mixed emotions for students, parents and teachers – from absolute joy to feelings of sadness and nostalgia, they should always be tinged with pride – of achievements both large and small. A range of events and activities will occur in coming days to celebrate the growth, learning and achievement of the VCE Classes of 2019. Our best wishes go with these departing students!

At the same time that endings are occurring so too are beginnings. Our Year 11’s will assume leadership of the School, our Year 10’s have been reflecting on leadership and legacy at their various activities including the inaugural Thailand expedition and the retreat to Marysville. Both adventures have been extraordinary successes and our thanks to the wonderful staff who accompanied our students on these journeys of self-development.

At Berwick Grammar School, a new beginning will be signalled by the official opening of the new gymnasium and fitness centre on the Friday 25 October. This facility will embody the notion of a “healthy body and healthy mind” as the centrepiece for human flourishing at our boys campus in student health, wellbeing and competition.

As one door closes for our Year 12’s, other doors open for our young students to assume the mantle and embrace all the opportunities our School provides.

Dr Steven Middleton
Vice Principal, Head of Berwick Grammar School