From the Head of Junior School – 11 December 2019

The end of year is always so exciting, especially for me as I complete my first year at this amazing school. I shared my thoughts and feelings about our Junior School and ELC community at Presentation Night and it is also chronicled in the School magazine. I want to thank all parents, extended family members and students for the way in which you have embraced me as the new Head of School. I have enjoyed every moment and challenge of my first year and look forward with great anticipation and excitement to working with staff and parents to further improve the school so that your child benefits in every way.

The 2019 Presentation Night showcased the school at its best. We were spoilt with individual and group musical performances, reflections on the year by School Captains and Vice Captains, Year level Coordinators, our Principal Ms Rome and our new President of Council, Mrs Fiona Templar. Some students received awards honouring their commitment to the school, our Music program, service to the community, curriculum or programs in the school. It truly was an evening to reflect on and celebrate the great year we have all had together. A particular focus was on our Year 6 cohort of students as we celebrated their final year in Primary School and bid them a formal farewell.  I wish to thank Ms Melissa Graham, Miss Kristy Evans, Mr Peter Robertson and all the classroom teachers for their contributions to ensure the evening ran smoothly. Of course the night would not have been such a success without the dedicated efforts of our Music staff; sincere thanks to them for ensuring that the musical items of the evening were appropriate, polished and tear-jerkers! I certainly had a lump in my throat listening to all Year 4 to 6 students sing ‘The Circle of Life.’

By the time you read this edition of Campus News, your child will have met their 2020 classroom teacher(s). All parents will have received a sealed letter from your child about their teacher for next year. Absent children have had their 2020 Class Letter mailed. All children in Years 1 to 6 (2020) were able to meet with that teacher on Tuesday for a short time. There is always great excitement at the prospect of a new year and class and, for most children, they embrace change without falter or question. However, for some children thoughts of a new year, new classmates, new teachers can be overwhelming, and change can take a while to get used to. As parents it is important that you remain positive, acknowledge feelings of hesitation with your child, share that their reaction is normal and talk about them with your child.

Assessment and Reporting
As we come to the end of the school year, it is a busy time regarding our Reporting processes.  Your child’s Semester 2 Report will be emailed to you in the last week of term. Please check Parent Lounge to review the assessment tasks from teachers which will also be finalised by the last day of term. In addition to this, information has been sent to all parents on how to download and save their child/ren’s digital portfolio/s on See Saw should you wish to do so. If you have any queries, please contact your child’s teacher and/or Ms Melissa Graham (Deputy Head of Junior School).

Classroom Teacher Staffing for 2020
Prep: Kate Bartholomeusz, Szilvia Costello, Karryn Exner

Year 1: Alana Cary (P-2 Team Leader), Brodie Wallace

Year 2: Meredith Crowden, Phillip McConchie

Year 3: Jennie Cockburn, Darren Lay

Year 4: Tracey Hallam, Allison McEneaney

Year 5: Sandra Coburn, Peter Robertson (3-6 Team Leader & Maths Leader – 4 days classroom) and Katie Cooper (1 day classroom)

Year 6: Joanne Cardullo (English Leader – 4 days classroom) and Eva Bukin (1 day classroom); Kate Flood (Digital Learning Leader -3 days classroom) and Jasmine Jones (2 days classroom)

Staff Farewells and Introductions
We farewell Mrs Isabelle Thomas who is leaving us to relocate to Sydney with her family. We thank her for all she has done teaching PE and Learning Diversity support classes. In her short time with us, she has certainly made a difference to our students who regard her with great fondness. In 2020, we welcome Ms Eva Bukin who will teach PE to students in Prep and Year 6 and Year 6 JC for one day a week. We welcome back Mrs Jasmine Jones to our school after returning from leave. Jasmine is a former Year 6 teacher from St Margaret’s and also the Berwick Grammar Campus, and we are excited that she will co-teach in Year 6KF in 2020.  From our ELC, we farewell Jacqueline Chan and Monica DeSantis whose contracts with us have finished. We thank them for their work with the 3 year old and 4 year old children in our ELC. Jacqueline and Monica demonstrated a caring and nurturing approach each day in our kindergarten. We thank them for the positive effect they have had on each child in their care and we wish them all the very best in the future.

Final Thank you
I wish to sincerely thank and acknowledge the excellent work of all ELC and Junior School teaching and educational support staff. The staff at our school take their jobs very seriously, bring joy to each day and try to make a difference to each child socially, emotionally and academically. I am very lucky to lead a team of outstanding people and educators!

To the parents, thank you for entrusting us with your children as we educate not only the mind but the heart of each child. My best wishes to those families leaving our school, especially our Year 6 students as they embark on secondary school. I wish all families a happy festive season, a relaxing break and quality time spent with families and friends.

Ms Louise Sayar
Head of Junior School