From the Head of Junior School – 9 August 2019

Science Talent Search
I was immensely proud of the children from our Junior School who represented us at the Science Talent Search competition on Saturday. Ten children participated in the competition and presented science projects exploring topics such as: moon dust, space, the moon, black holes, the environment, wind and sun power, sustainability and orangutans. Participation in competitions like these not only focus on and promote science and its study but skills such as research, resilience, organisation, creativity, persistence and independence. Each child was required to present their scientific creation and research and present it to judges. Ms Allison McEneaney has coordinated this for the school for which we sincerely thank her. We both judged in the competition and were astounded by the ideas and creativity of such young minds.

Congratulations to the following children who entered: Coen Bulte, Robbie Parker, Sanuki Adikaram, Pym Cook, Maisy Thurmond, Leo Thurmond, Scott Dougall, Anika Fazan, Shrika Anand and Lara Gudelj.

Looking ahead to 2020 – Booklist – bulk ordering
After many discussions with our official books and stationery supplier, Campion Education, we have decided that as of 2020, all students in ELC, Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 will have all their supplies delivered to the school. Therefore, we will no longer issue a booklist to students in ELC to Year 2. There are several reasons for this change which will save parents, teachers and students a lot of time at the beginning of the school year. It is very time consuming for our very young students to have to unpack all the contents of their large boxes on their very first day of school. It is difficult for the staff to manage especially when many students have not purchased/brought in all the items or are unaware why.

For such young children, it is essential that their first interactions with their teachers are spent on getting to know each other and in activities that allow them to begin to learn! In ordering by bulk, there are cost and time savings for parents and when your child arrives on Day One, everything will have been unpacked and labelled for your child prior to commencing the academic year. The start to the year would be much smoother for parents, students and teachers. This books/stationery fee will be added to the Consolidated Fee charges.

It has been decided that it is more appropriate for students in Years 3 to 6 to continue to order their books via the existing Booklist system from Campion Education. As children mature, they can make joint decisions with their parents about what to buy and from where and generally like to be involved in the selection process. The teachers of this age group believe it does not detrimentally affect the beginning of the year induction for their students; the unpacking and sorting of class materials takes minimal time and assists them to become organised. Please see me if you have any queries.

Thank you
Thank you to those parents who have adhered to the new guidelines we have implemented for the use of the front drop off zone of the Junior School. The new system has been running relatively smoothly and so many parents have remarked that it is safer to use for all. Thank you also to our groundsmen who have assisted during this process.

Dates for your Diary
I know that many of you have received notification of the “This is Me: The Junior School Music Concert” for all students in Years 2 to 6 on Wednesday 4 September. Tickets are available at

Another date for your diary is our rescheduled House Athletics Day on Wednesday 16th October. We are sure to get better weather this time round!

Other important dates are written in your child’s fortnightly Bulletin available through Parent Lounge. If you have trouble accessing Parent Lounge please contact our ICT department as soon as possible on 97038111.

Ms Louise Sayar
Head of Junior School