From the Principal – 24 August 2017
The term is progressing well and there is an air of positivity and great energy around the campuses. Dr Steven Middleton has been embraced by the community and on all measures we are tracking positively. The magnolias and daphne are out and all campuses are shimmering in the light of forthcoming spring. The BGS oval is looking particularly impressive and it is great to see it used so effectively by the boys.
There are some developments about which I would like to inform the community:
Strategic Plan: The next stage of the strategic planning process is underway and feedback from the various Strategic Plan reference groups is coming in. The leadership of the school will now work to refine the material so a more detailed draft may be released to the broader community at the start of Term 4. Thank you to all members of the community who have contributed to this process thus far. The strategic plan will be the topic of the next Principal’s Morning Tea on Monday 4 September at Berwick Grammar School.
A Staff Consultative Committee has been formed and met for the first time recently. This group comprises members from all parts of the school – Teachers and Educational Support Staff. The intention is that they will work closely with me as a ‘clearing house’ to explore ideas and challenges. The group is also a recognition of the importance of communication in an organization. So often, it seems to me that two people may both think that they are talking about the same thing whereas in fact they are not. As a teacher of Theory and Knowledge and (try hard) philosopher, the importance of clarifying language use is indubitable. This group and others at the school will work together so that we move forward with clarity, purpose and endeavour.
Student course selection and leadership for 2018. The School is working hard to plan courses for all students. It is an exciting time and I know all involved are working to support children and their families as we move towards 2018. What is best for the student is always at the centre of decisions. Processes are constantly being refined. I would like to commend all staff for their willingness to embrace the ‘One School’ mantra which has led to a range of creative and clever suggestions. In line with this, the 2018 student leaders are currently being selected. Having heard all the St Margaret’s and Berwick Grammar School senior applicants for School Captain roles over the last few weeks, we should feel fortunate. All are outstanding young people.
Ms Annette Rome