From the Principal – 27 February 2020
It has been a challenging week for school communities this week in Australia. Though at St Margaret’s and Berwick Grammar we self-assess ourselves routinely, as a result of recent events in other schools I believe it prudent to reflect on our own practices: specifically those regarding how we care for those young people for whom we are responsible. The School Council, Senior Executive and staff have explored such reflections this week.
In short, we are part of a community that we believe values…….. well, values.
At a time when families increasingly rely on schools to shape and grow young people, schools rely on families to work with us to carry out this important task. At all times, we put the young people in our care at the centre. One thing about our school is the close connection to our community. Families are usually good at sharing concerns (and positives) with the School, and for this, we are grateful.
Though we have global reach as a school, our identity is firmly linked to this beautiful part of the world – Berwick. We actively contribute to and are shaped by this green and verdant part of the globe. We all endeavour to display COURAGE to do the right thing, CHARACTER to be our best selves, CURIOSITY to know and learn and RESPECT for all humanity and the planet in everything we do. We recognise that what we stand for, and what we are prepared to stand up for, influences our identity as an organisation and as individuals.
The School is honoured that families allow us to join with them on the journey that is a child’s path to adulthood. It is a responsibility we take very seriously, and though we may not always get it completely right, we believe the solution can be derived by working in a School/Family partnership.
To be virtuous is to articulate, live and breathe those values that we have elected to define us. Looking ahead, may we all display Courage Curiosity Character and Respect.
Student supervision outside school hours
Junior School Students
Please note that no yard duty supervision is available before 8:00am or after 3.20pm in the Junior School playground. While staff may be on the premises, the focus of their work outside teaching hours is on other responsibilities such as class planning, meetings or professional learning. While we encourage our community to be as communicative as possible with each other, we ask that children and their parents/guardians retire to local alternative venues should they wish to continue interacting. Any children remaining on the School grounds will need to attend After School Care, unless in a School sanctioned activity such as Homework Club. I know The Head of Junior School, Ms Sayar has spoken and written to families and guardians about this already.
Year 7 – 12 Students
For the older children at Berwick Grammar School, staff are available from 8:00 am and at the end of the school day, yard duty supervision concludes at 3:30 pm. Any remaining students attend the Berwick Grammar School library until 4:30 pm when they are transported to SMS each day.
The senior library at St Margaret’s is open from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm every day. Teachers are on bus duty until 3:50 pm. Please note there is no supervision in the grounds at all after 5:00 pm and students are to leave the premises. For some school-sanctioned activities after hours, special arrangements may be in place and the organising staff member will inform students.
Ms Annette Rome