From the Principal – 5 April 2019

What makes us different.

I often have to speak about our beautiful school to external audiences nationally and internationally. As time has passed, I have found that I have distilled some key points as follows. There is no doubt that we are a medium sized school that really aims to make a positive difference to our students and the broader community.

Our 5 points of difference

Unique educational model: coeducational junior school with single gender senior schools. This permits us to deliver academic programs in ways and environments that we believe suits single gender academic learning best. The existence of brother and sister schools also permits healthy and appropriate social and emotional development that evolves from girls and boys working together. The symbolic and cultural learning that can happen in programs such as assemblies, music, drama and service learning equips our students with extensive opportunities possible so that they can be their best selves for all humanity and the planet.

The Certificate of Global Responsibility: in a world where over 80% of Australian graduates will live and work overseas, preparing our students for a global world to which they can constructively participate and contribute is an imperative. The certificate acknowledges leadership (as influence), service learning to build others, international mindedness, knowledge of world events and the capacity to communicate in multiple languages. We anticipate that the certificate will develop ethically minded young people who can contribute and interact wisely and appropriately. It is the only such program in Australasia.

A Futures focus: with one of the highest participation rates in the sciences and mathematics in the state, the school is well placed to explore STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) initiatives particularly those that relate to entrepreneurial thinking and practice. Drone licenses and pilot’s licenses are 2 of the projects currently underway. For many years over 50% of our graduates have gone on to work in STEM related fields. This is a most significant statistic and applies to both the girls’ and boys’ schools.

The Performing Arts and VSPA (Victorian School for Performing Arts): To know oneself is crucial to wellbeing. We recognize the importance of music, art, drama and dance to the development of all young people as educated, well rounded, contented citizens.

The Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT): because we believe outstanding teaching makes for better learning. CELT focusses on teacher learning and reinforces the importance of that body of knowledge relating to what good teaching and learning ‘look like’ that sits alongside subject knowledge. Currently CELT is working with university communities in Australia and overseas.

And all this happens in one of the most beautiful school settings in Australia.

We are fortunate indeed.

I wish you all a wonderful and restorative break filled with love, laughter and peace.

Ms Annette Rome