Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day
Year 6, 7 and 8 students welcomed all grandparents and special friends of their community to Berwick Grammar School to celebrate the special role they play in the boys’ lives.
All visitors were treated to a special morning tea and the boys played host to their guests, sharing some of the activities they were doing at school and in their lives at home. An assembly was held where our Principal, Ms Rome shared some personal anecdotes of the role of grandparents, and the special and sometimes scandalous stories they share only with their grandchildren about the cheeky things they were involved in during their youth.
Student leaders read reflections on behalf of all students about the importance of having Grandparents and Special Friends in their lives. Berwick Blokes serenaded the guests with the song they had been practising all year, Feeling Groovy by Simon and Garfunkel. Many people joined in with the boys.
It was a joyous occasion to watch the special relationships and the love and affection between the generations and the imparting of wisdom and respect.
Ms Kate Jackson