GTAC Investigation

Recently, St Margaret’s and Berwick Grammar School students participated in a new program run by the Gene Technology Access Centre. This program focussed on the historical and modern impact of vaccines. Students worked together with GTAC education officers to complete four learning activities:

  • Modelling transmission of influenza.
  • Identifying methods used to control pandemics, such as smallpox and polio, through vaccination.
  • Modelling herd immunity for whooping cough.
  • Identifying issues that affect the success of immunization programs.

Students then engaged in a laboratory workshop guided by Melbourne University Research mentors to explore the nutritional composition of milk and consider desirable qualities for various consumers. In the GTAC laboratories, students used biochemical methods and technologies, including spectrophotometers, to analyse the whey protein content in milk. They compared the composition of whey for two cows in a dairy herd, and selected the best cow for a breeding program, based on their results. Other desirable qualities were considered that are currently being pursued by the Dairy Industry to improve milk quality and quantity.

Our students were wonderful ambassadors for our school and a most engaging and informative day was had by all.

Mrs Deborrah Francis