Head of Campus Update – 12 June 2018
After postponing due to wet weather, we could not have asked for a more perfect day for our recent House Athletics Carnival. Everyone arrived at school proudly wearing their school colours and ready to compete and cheer on either Campbell House (blue), Cunningham House (red) or Gipson House (yellow). The day commenced with the younger students warming up with long jump, vortex and tunnel ball followed by year level sprints and relays. It was wonderful to see the older students cheering on the younger students and encouraging them to achieve their best and gain points for their House. Congratulations to Campbell House on becoming the overall winners on the day and also taking out the Track and Team Spirit Awards.
Our Student Representative Council has confirmed that our next free/casual dress day will be held on Tuesday 19 June. This is during the last week of Term 2 and students are encouraged to wear casual clothes or favourite sports clothes. Their chosen charity is Save The Children’s Fund in conjunction with The Resilience Project. SRC is proving to be a popular forum to promote a positive school spirit and leadership among students. The class reps are always keen to share and action initiatives and ideas from discussions with their classmates. Our final SRC meeting for this term will also be held on Tuesday 19 June during Read and Feed.
A big thank you to all families who have supported the classroom programs this term and our recent IB PYP evaluation. Parent feedback is always appreciated as we work together to ensure all Junior school students are supported in their learning at home and school.
Ms Carole Reed
Head of St Margaret’s Junior School