Head of Campus Update – 12 May 2016
As we head towards the middle of Term 2, there is a lot happening around the school. Our Year 7 to 9 boys, all returned home safely after a week of camping and were certainly put to the test by the unpredictable elements of the weather. Our Year 10 boys completed a week of work experience, getting a feel for the reality of the working world and challenges that lie beyond the comfort of school. This week Year 5, 7 and 9 boys have spent the last few days sitting the NAPLAN tests.
Sir Edmund Hillary famously said ‘it is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.’ As a school which continues to grow and develop a culture of excellence we continue to focus on that which is of utmost importance, the education of our boys. As such, to provide high quality teaching and learning founded upon positive and caring relationships and the integral partnership between the family and the school. We promote a growing culture of learning excellence, fostering wellbeing and resilience, serving others with compassion, integrity and dignity.
For Year 7 to 12 our focus and goals for this year are to continue to build on the work ethic of our boys and ultimately raise the standards and expectations for all students. With the increase in time allocated to core learning areas, in particular to Mathematics, English and Science our staff have devised rigorous academic programs and assessment practices.
Recently, the Resilience Project was introduced to St Margaret’s School and to our boys in Year 5 and 6. Through Personal and Social Education (PSE), a curriculum has been devised to incorporate aspects of the My Friends Youth Program, eSmart cyber safety and the Resilience Project. PSE will develop the skills of our boys to prevent bullying, reduce anxiety, build resilience and problem solving abilities and promote self-confidence.
The school’s Strategic Plan concludes at the end of this year. Throughout the remainder of the year, a number of Parent Forums will be held at Berwick Grammar School. These will provide an opportunity for parents from all year levels to share information and ideas about what is working and what can be improved on, with regard to the education and general wellbeing of our students. This information will be valuable as we work together in developing the next strong and robust Strategic Plan.
Mr Charles Swanepoel
Head of Berwick Grammar School