Head of Campus Update – 16 June 2016
As we navigate through the last week of term it is an ideal time to reflect on all the exciting, engaging and challenging learning experiences from a busy Semester 1. Our students (and teachers!) are completing reflections and reviews of their personal goals in order to create their next set of goals and a clear idea of how to go about achieving these. Ongoing assessment and reporting continues with a focus on semester reports, portfolios and Parent/Teacher Interviews to compliment the timely and continuous feedback provided through Parent Lounge. All of this allows our staff, students and parents to celebrate the progress achieved and plan a clear direction for continued learning and development next semester.
Planning is already well underway for Term 3 in regards to teaching and learning but also a number of extra special events – our 90th celebration day and Junior School Musical being two of the major activities that we are all looking forward to.
Best wishes to our Junior School community for a restful and enjoyable break and I hope everyone has the chance to relax, keep warm and do all those fun things with families and friends that some extra time allows. We look forward to refreshed and smiling faces back at school on Wednesday 13 July.
Mrs Melissa Graham
Head of Junior School