Head of Campus update – 24 March 2016
Over the course of this term we have enjoyed a number of inspiring speakers at school assemblies. After starting the year with a huge 90th Birthday celebratory assembly, the girls have been inspired by Zhen, our artist-in-residence and Mr Brian Paynter who spoke about the White Ribbon Campaign. The girls were inspired by their School Captains who spoke at our International Women’s Day assembly, focusing on gender equality in sport and the work of Australians of the Year, David Morrison (gender equality) and Rosie Batty (founder of the Luke Batty Foundation against violence). This week, at our annual Easter service, Dr Donaldson returned for his 20th Easter talk to the girls. This year he focussed on the importance of persistence and resilience in achieving your full potential. We thank all of these guests for sharing their time and expertise with the students.
As we prepare for the end of the term, we are extending our best wishes to a number of staff who will be absent over Term 2. Ms April Fan, Mrs Sarah Pay and Ms Lynda Vague will all be enjoying a well-deserved break as they take their long service leave over Term 2. Mr Mark Easton and Mrs Sherril Gurney will both also be absent over Term 2 – Mr Easton will be recovering from surgery on his foot while Mrs Gurney continues to recover from her illness. We look forward to seeing them both back on their feet at the start of Term 3.
We have also sadly accepted 2 recent resignations. Ms Harpreet Kaur, one of our school psychologists, has decided to move on and we thank Ms Zoe Markopoulos for stepping in and looking after Ms Kaur’s Senior School students while we appoint a new psychologist. Mrs Janine Pietralla has also decided to move to a new school, taking up a position at Camberwell Grammar, which is much closer to home for her. We are sad to say goodbye to these wonderful staff and wish them well in their future endeavours.
Last week the students had their annual school photos taken. You can still order a copy of the photo online but you need to be quick. Late orders attract a higher cost.
This week the Head of Music, Mrs Christine Cochrane proudly attended the graduation ceremony at the University of Melbourne to see three students receive their A. Mus. A Diplomas. They are immediate past students Brienne Gawler and Rae Huang and year 9 student Suzy Zong. All three girls achieved their Diplomas while at school – an extraordinary achievement.
Mrs Fiona Williams
Head of St Margaret’s Senior School