Head of Campus Update – 25 May 2017
It has been an extraordinarily busy month with the students being involved in a wide variety of school activities. These include work experience (Year 10), camps (Years 7, 8 and 9), NAPLAN (Years 7 and 9), the School Formal (Years 11 and 12), the School Production of Man the Balloon, House activities, Social Service activities, music and sport. Please take the time to read the detailed reports from each of these events.
Camps and work experience are both very important learning experiences for our students. They are intended to help the girls develop resilience, communication and collaboration, determination, initiative and leadership. The camps intentionally take the students out of their comfort zone and encourage them to try things they have never done before. Work experience puts the girls into an adult work environment which demands maturity, organisation, cooperation and an ability to follow instructions.
I am really proud of the way the students have risen to the challenges they have faced on camp and work experience. Since their return to school I have received lots of compliments about the girls from not only their teachers but also the camp leaders, work experience supervisors and even people our students encountered during their trips and work experience. It is clear the students understand social responsibility and practice it in their lives everyday.
Over the coming month we have a number of events which are worth making a note in your diary;
Sports – the SMS/BGS Equestrian Day is this Saturday 27 May, Middle School Winter Sports carnival is on 7 June and the House Athletics Carnival is on 21 June, the GSV Cross Country carnival is on 2 June, Running Club is held before school every Mon, Wed and Fri and Yoga classes run before school on Wednesdays.
Music– the Music Camp is on 19 June and the Masters Recital is being held in the Auditorium on 20 June commencing at 7.30pm
Exams – Year 10 and 11 exams run from the 5-15 June, Year 7-9 exams are on 14-15 June and the Year 12 General Achievement Task (GAT) is on the 14 June.
The student free Teacher’s Assessment Day is on 16 June
And finally, I would like to invite all interested parents to join us at the end of semester for our Colours and Awards ceremony which is on 23 June commencing at 2.00pm
Mrs Fiona Williams