Head of Campus update – 27 August 2018
It is always a pleasure to report on the success of our students. Noteworthy efforts this month include our HPV cycling team, the Year 10 DAV debating team (Sabrina Ward, Yebin Yang, Emily Ferdinands, Jessica Elfick and Xingtong Huang) who have won the regional finals and will now progress to the next round of DAV play offs, Yebin Yang (who teamed up with Max Walton Briggs from BGS) to represent the state in the MUNA (Model United Nations Assembly) finals in Canberra, Nehara Peiris (Year 7) and Prianka Gengasuthan (Year 9) for their efforts in the Chinese Reading Competition and the large contingent of St Margaret’s girls was attended the Go Girl IT event at Deakin University. Congratulations to you all on your endeavours and excellence.
I am also pleased to announce that after a lengthy and rigorous election process the School Captains for 2019 are Meg Gardiner and Ashlee Brotherton.
Last week we were spellbound by the extraordinary music and dancing of our students in the annual SMS School Concert. The performances were flawless and of a most professional standard. The concert was an absolute joy. Congratulations to the Head of Music, Ms Christine Cochrane, and all the staff who contributed to this showcase of extraordinary talent.
Mrs Fiona Williams
Head of St Margaret’s Senior School