Head of Campus Update – 27 July 2018
Congratulations to our Art teacher Heather Landman who has been awarded a Scholarship to study Visual Thinking Strategies at the Isabella Stewart Gardiner Museum in Boston later this year. The scholarship was awarded by Independent Schools Victoria (ISV) and recognizes Mrs Landman’s innovation and creativity. We look forward to learning more about Visual Thinking Strategies upon her return.
This term we have welcomed a number of new staff to Senior School;
Mrs Elaine Rogers – English
Mr Robbie Xin – Physics and Maths
Ms Ruth Rae – Biology
Mrs Bev Dawes – Careers
Mrs Tessa Kyle – English|
Ms Niluka Chandrasena – Science Lab. Tech.
It is an annual delight to welcome our exchange students into the school community. We are currently hosting Year 10 students from St Margaret’s School for Girls, Aberdeen and Year 11 students from Queen Margaret’s School, York. Welcome to Florence Wills, Charlotte Davidson, Alex Page, Isabel Burrows, Nicole Atkinson, Amy Glen and Amy Hewson Smith. This term we also welcome Hester Zou who has joined Year 8.
At a recent school assembly we were inspired by guest speaker Mr David Cross from the Zoe Foundation. The Zoe Foundation works to rescue and rehabilitate children who are sold, or are at risk of being sold into prostitution or bonded labour. Mr Cross lives and works in Thailand and shared stories of the success of the work undertaken by the Zoe Foundation there. St Margaret’s students has supported the Zoe Foundation for a number of years now. It was inspirational for wonderful for the students to meet Mr Cross and to learn how their fundraising has helped children in need.
Rehearsals for the annual SMS School Concerts have begun and they are sounding terrific. Bookings for the concerts are open and can be purchased on the school website homepage under Upcoming Events. Students in Years 8, 9 and 11 will perform on Thursday 23 August and Years 7, 8, 10 and 12 perform on Friday 24 August. Each student will be allocated a seat (except performers who will be supervised backstage). Students who are performing are required to attend both concerts.
Mrs Fiona Williams
Head of St Margaret’s Senior School