Head of Campus update – 27 October 2016
Whilst we still have 4-5 weeks of this term, our senior girls and boys undertaking their final year of secondary education have just commenced their VCE exams. They have also had a busy few weeks of valedictory dinners, final assemblies and Speech Nights, and it is the Speech Nights that are particularly special to us in Junior School. Our teachers enjoy seeing their former students who are now much bigger, but we also enjoy an active participation on the night through the involvement of some current Prep students. The Year 12 boys at Berwick Grammar and girls at St Margaret’s Senior School who have been through the school since Prep are presented with a special keep-sake at their respective Speech Nights as an acknowledgement of their journey through the school. These are presented by some of our current Prep girls and boys and makes for a special experience. The “oohs” and “aahhs” heard through the audience reflect the significance of this as we see the big boys and girls who are ending their education at St Margaret’s standing side by side with those who have just begun their journey.
Mrs Melissa Graham
Head of Junior School