Head of Campus update – 3 March 2016
Our 90th Anniversary celebrations are well under way, commencing with a birthday party / assembly on Tuesday 16 February. This is the exact day that St Margaret’s School commenced 90 years ago. The girls enjoyed a quick history of the school, complete with old photos, old school uniforms and some beautiful old music (with thanks to Sofia Imperatore in Year 9).
This week also saw the official opening of the 90th Anniversary Long Story Short Community Art Exhibition. It is wonderful to see the Dale Falkner Collection of past student’s art works all displayed together for the very first time. The exhibition also has a delightful array of different artworks from current and past students, current and past staff and members of the extended school community. I encourage you to drop into the Joan Butler Building Art Gallery to enjoy the exhibition which will be open until 10 March.
The whole school 90th Anniversary photo was taken without too many hitches and we have seen early drafts which look amazing. It will be a fabulous keepsake for all families of this special year in the school’s history. Great progress is also being made on the 90th birthday commemorative cookbook which should be on sale in time for Mother’s Day. A great gift idea.
I would like to thank all the parents who came along to the various year level parent information evenings held over the past few weeks. The connection between home and school is a very important one and we appreciate the parents who actively maintain this connection to the school by attending information nights, Parent Teacher Student (PTS) Conferences and regularly checking on their daughter’s academic progress by logging into Parent Lounge. The Twilight Fair and Cocktail Party also gave parents a great opportunity to get to know each other and their daughter’s teachers in a relaxed and informal manner.
Our student exchange program continues to provide a rich and varied experience for those brave students who apply to participate. This week we welcomed back our students from Queen Margaret’s School in York – Ella Shone, Erin Hanley and Susanna Bates. During the summer holidays Lauren Herbert and Emily Tolan enjoyed their stay in Aberdeen with students from St Margaret’s School for Girls. We look forward to welcoming their exchange sisters to Australia later in the year.
It is always wonderful to celebrate our student’s achievements. We congratulate Molly Hallam in Year 9 who has been selected to represent Australia in World Cup Stacking Championship to be held in Germany March 21-25. Shae Jones, also in Year 9, has been selected to represent Victoria in the Under 15 hockey championships being held 7 – 18 April. Congratulations also to Olivia Weston in Year 11 who recently won the GSV triathalon. She is an amazing athlete.
Mrs Fiona Williams
Head of St Margaret’s Senior School