Head of Campus Update – 3 March 2016

As we reach the mid-way point of Term 1, many of the camps program and Year 9 City Cite have all concluded. There is a distinct buzz around the school yard once again, as all the boys are back and into the normality of school. Thank you to the school community and the staff for making such a large program successful. The positive responses have been overwhelming, highlighting the importance of our Outdoor Education Program.

Friday 26 February, the Parents’ and Friends’ from St Margaret’s and Berwick Grammar School hosted the Twilight Fair. The back part of St Margaret’s transformed into a carnival spectacular. I can confidently say that the crowds were breath-taking, the rides exhilarating, the stands entertaining and the talent quest, certainly discovered some hidden talents, to name but a few. I am so proud to be the Head of a school whose community is so generous in giving of their time to assist and support the school and the Parents’ and Friends’ Association. Thank you all for bringing your family and friends along on Friday night, making it the special occasion it was.

As a celebration of our Grandparents and Special Friends, we will be hosting a special morning tea and assembly on Friday 18 March for Year 5 to 7. More detailed information will be sent out in the coming week.

The annual Cricket Big Bash, kindly sponsored by the Foundation will take place on Wednesday 23 March. Likewise, detailed information will be made available shortly. We certainly hope that you will be able to join us at these events.

It has recently been brought to my attention that dogs are being walked at school whilst children are still on campus. I respectfully ask, with the exception of Guide Dogs and Service Dogs, that parents do not bring dogs into the school grounds. We continue to seek to provide a safe learning environment for our students. At times, the reactions of dogs (and students) can be unexpected and even dangerous. I appreciate that not all dogs pose a threat, however, it is not practical for us to be selective as to those that do and those that do not. Therefore, the school will not permit any dog to be brought into the school grounds. We also ask that dogs are not tied up in areas of high traffic, where students and parents are trying to enter or exit our school grounds. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in regards to this matter.

Mr Charles Swanepoel
Head of Berwick Grammar School