Ladies Afternoon Tea

The passionate Year 12 Social Service Captains Ria Gulshan and Jamilla Francis along with their committee have continued their commitment to service by hosting a Ladies Afternoon Tea to support Vision Sisters. Vision Sisters is a collaboration between World Vision and Birthing Kit Foundation (Australia) to provide clean birthing kits for Ugandan women so that mothers living in poverty are able to safely give birth. This initiative also provides training to health care workers in the local communities.

The Willow Restaurant at St Margaret’s School was the venue for the Ladies Afternoon Tea and raffle which was attended by over forty women from the St Margaret’s School community. It was a relaxing and entertaining afternoon for the ladies involved but listening to the World Vision guest speaker, Ms Libby Sanders, brought home the harsh reality that although we may consider giving birth to be a joyful time, for many women this is often the most dangerous time in their lives. She explained the importance of the basic contents of each birthing kit; a plastic sheet, soap, gloves, string, gauze and a small razor blade. The total cost of the kit is less than a cup of coffee, yet it can help prevent infection and save lives. The generosity of the St Margaret’s School community resulted in over $1000.00 being raised, which will be used to purchase materials for birthing kits. The Social Service committee are very appreciative of the SMS community’s spirit of giving and would like to thank all of those who assisted in making this such a successful event.

Ms Natalie Petruccelli
Social Service Coordinator