Lunch with the Winners
It was a privilege to take a small group of Year 10 students from St Margaret’s and Berwick Grammar School to Lunch with the Winners. An event sponsored by South East Business Network and run by the City of Greater Dandenong.
Our students were a part of a 200 strong student audience to hear inspirational career journeys from a number of different speakers including 2017-2018 Finalist in the Young Achievers award Mr Yong Deng a Pharmacist who spoke of his time in a refugee camp, moving to Australia and completing his degree at Monash University.
“Three points I took away from Lunch with the Winners were:
- that you need to make the best out of every situation by bettering yourself every day;
- that you should hold aspirations that guide you but don’t limit you and
- to always listen to what people have to offer you.”
Angus (Year 10)