Melbourne Marathon Water Station
It was a beautiful day for a run, and an even better day to be watching the Melbourne Marathon from the sidelines!
In the third year of this tradition, Team SMS BGS asked for volunteers to man a water station at the Melbourne Marathon.
It’s a grueling day that starts very early, ensuring hundreds up cups of water and electrolytes are available and in easy reach to support the runners.
But it is also a very rewarding day. Not only are we met with gratitude and warmth by the runners we help out, each and every volunteer raises $100 for the JMB Foundation which raises money to support young people with an acquired brain injury. It’s a cause we all feel very close to at St Margaret’s and Berwick Grammar School.
Congratulations to all the students and staff who followed their spirit of community service and made this a great day, focused on helping others.
Ms Lauren Cook
Head of Senior Boys, Wellbeing