National Reconciliation Week

I have recently been very proud to represent St Margaret’s and Berwick Grammar at a number of events overseas. These experiences allowed us not only to showcase the School, but also to view world events from a different perspective.

I am increasingly reminded that to know ourselves, we need to know others. To look, listen and learn from those that are different to us. This not only gives us an anchor on which to link the values, attitudes, beliefs and behaviours that define ourselves but also to be open to learning from and with others. A key part of our identity in Australia must be the elucidation and exploration of the relationship settlers and immigrants have with Australia’s First Peoples. Currently the country is celebrating Indigenous National Celebration Week. This year’s theme, Grounded in Truth: Walk Together with Courage, reminds us that at the heart of reconciliation is the relationship between the broader Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. To foster positive outcomes our relationship must be grounded in a foundation of truth and openness.  At St Margaret’s and Berwick Grammar we are honoured to work with Murrundindi, the Ngurungaeta (Head Man) of the Wurundjeri tribe, who guides us in our endeavours to learn about, with and from our Indigenous Brothers and Sisters. We look forward to releasing the School’s first Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) later this year. The Rap is the product of collaboration between teachers and students across Junior School, St Margaret’s Senior School and Berwick Grammar School and will impact multiple areas of the school. Students are currently designing Indigenous gardens, units of work and symbolic representations to coincide with the release of the RAP.

Ms Annette Rome