National Reconciliation Week- 27 May to 3 June 2020
National Reconciliation Week runs from 27 May to 3 June. 2020 marks 20 years of Reconciliation Australia and National Reconciliation Week. It also marks the 20th anniversary of the reconciliation walks of 2000 where across the nation people came together to walk across the Sydney Harbour Bridge and many other bridges and roads to show their support for a more reconciled Australia. The goal for Reconciliation Australia is to provide an educational platform that assists the nation on working towards a more just, equitable and reconciled country. The following link takes you to the Reconciliation Australia website and the many opportunities available for individuals, companies and schools to obtain information and assistance.
As part of a global community one of our School focuses is to ensure that every young person has the chance to be the best person they can be. An essential part of this process is the understanding of who we are and where we came from. We need to know our own history and the history of the land on which the school was built. We need to know and try to understand the ways of the peoples who were here before us and build meaningful relationships between our school, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. We particularly seek to further our relationship with the Kulin Nation, the traditional owners of the land on which our school resides. We can then move forward with a strong understanding of our past, a sense of belonging and community awareness so that we can face the future with a culture of respect and genuine engagement. Much has happened since the early days of the people’s movement for reconciliation, including greater acknowledgement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander rights to land and sea; understanding of the impact of government policies and frontier conflicts; and an embracing of stories of Indigenous success and contribution.
A reconciliation committee was establish consisting of members from SMS and BGS. As a committee they have created a RAP document that can be used as a guide towards indigenous education and respect. At the beginning of this year’s NRW the members of the school community have been left with the question, “how will you contribute to reconciliation and help make a difference”? The more that stand shoulder to shoulder and contribute to this commitment, the greater the chance of closing the gap and creating a positive journey towards a fully reconciled country.