Performing Arts
The year commenced with all SMS Ensembles rehearsing from Week 1 in preparation for the year ahead. The building is ‘abuzz’ with activity at lunchtimes and before and after school with rehearsals for Woodwind, Brass and String Ensembles, Choral groups, Drumline, Dancers and Actors all preparing for assemblies, concerts, eisteddfods, community events and festivals.
Our first major performance occurred in conjunction with VSPA for the St Patrick’s Day Celebration Concert on Friday 10 March. The Senior Orchestra, Combined Senior String Ensembles and Vocal soloists – India Brummelen, Jemmah Nathanielsz, Georgia Coward-Smith, Madeleine Saunders, Ngaio Inskip and Hannah Harding – did an incredible job of learning all the music in such a short time. Their professional performance thrilled the audience and we received many accolades for the performances.
Term 2 is looking very busy starting with auditions for the Annual Master’s Recital in April, the SMS Music Camp Day, the Master’s Recital concert in June and the many instrumental recitals which occur throughout the term. The SMS Senior A Cappella Choir, Chamber Voices and the BGS Vocal Ensemble have had the wonderful news that they will be performing with Silvie Paladino at her VSPA concert on Friday 9 June, which is very exciting. All this is in addition to rehearsals for Christmas in July, the Annual Senior Concert in August and the Victorian Schools Music Festival (VSMF) for Poco Vivace String Ensemble and Symphonics, make for a very full term.
Music and Drama lessons started exceptionally well, and we have over 300 students across SMS Junior and Senior School involved in taking lessons through the performing arts department. After-school Drama has taken on a new program and we now offer lessons in acting, improvisation and production for Years 4 to 6; Year 7 to 9 and Year 10 to 12. The new programs have been received very well and the next intake for after school Drama will be at the beginning of Semester 2.
If your child is interested in joining our performing arts offerings please contact Kim Sanders (Performing Arts Administrator) sandersk@stmargarets.vic.edu.au
Ms Christine Cochrane
Head of Music