Performing Arts Update
The 2018 Master’s Recital was another resounding success. The 12 elite performers delighted the audience with their professional performances and we enjoyed an array of styles from Classical to Contemporary works. Singers, pianists, violinists and a flautist formed the main body of the program and were joined by the BGS Trio, SMS Choir and the Chamber String Orchestra who performed as guests. The 2018 Master Musician Award was shared between Suzy Zong (piano) and Ellen Ashwell (violin).
In the last week of term, the Year 7 and 8 students presented their Music and Drama work for Semester 1. This was fondly named the MAD Presentation. The girls performed their drama plays, complete with costumes, props and brilliant acting. The Year 7’s performed songs and showed off their talents on guitar and piano. Some of the Year 7 film music projects were shown on the big screen which displayed music composition at its finest! All in all, the work of the Year 7’s and 8’s was excellent and was enjoyed by parents, family and friends.
Ms Christine Cochrane
Director of Music