Presentation to the Pakenham Rotary Club (MUNA)
On the evening of Tuesday 19 June, the Rotary Club of Pakenham invited two students from St Margaret’s and Berwick Grammar School, Sabrina Ward and Oliver Ward, to give a speech about their involvement in the Rotary District 9820 Model United Nations Assembly.
These students were awarded 2nd Best Overall Delegation at this event, and attended as a means of saying thanks for Rotary’s support in providing this amazing opportunity for them.
After a brief introduction by Mr Pieper, Sabrina and Oliver delivered a compelling speech to members of the club. They spoke about what was involved in the competition and what they learned from their experience. They discussed newfound perspectives about the world, new knowledge about history, geography and global politics, increased confidence, an enhanced ability for quick, critical thinking and the meaningful new friendships they had made through the event.
Rotarians commented on the incredibly professional manner in which these students presented their reflections. These speeches were heartfelt and profound. These students are thanked for giving up their evening, and for serving as such outstanding representatives of their school in the wider community.
Mr Sean Pieper
My Summit- Co-Cultural Coordinator