Product Design and Technology
Class of 2017
The Product Design and Technology work of Clive Brace (BGS Class of 2017) is represented in the Emergent Exhibition on display at Bunjil Place until 18 March. The exhibition is a graduate showcase aimed at promoting excellence in Art and Design in the city of Casey. Clive spent the first term of his VCE year designing the table, with the aim of creating a unique design for a coffee table that would be visually engaging. He researched a number of different manufacturing techniques and selected CNC milled plywood, which was completed on the school’s CNC router. The table is made of over fifty pieces that were glued together in the correct order and carefully sanded flush. A toughened glass top was ordered and rubber stopers were used to hold it in place on the table frame.
Building on the popularity of the new films in the Star Wars universe, students at Berwick Grammar School have employed their skills in 3D design and manufacture to create their own custom Lightsabres. Jeremy Arifin (Year 12 2018) used cloud-based engineering software OnShape to realise his design (pictured here). The 3D model was printed with ABS plastic on the school’s new Zortrax 3D printer and then hand painted using a variety of techniques. The design includes space for a bright LED torch and polycarbonate tube for the ‘blade’.
Mr Damien Bell and Mr Stelian Tchapkanski